
波物理成像技术与地震装备研究室(WavePhysicsImaging&MILab),隶属于吉林大学仪器科学与电气工程学院,由黄兴国教授发起并创建于2021年。团队长期与国内外多所高等院校保持稳定的学术合作,并与多个研究单位保持稳定的项目合作。近5年,团队在《GRL》、《JGR Solid Earth》、《GJI》、《Geophysics》等高水平期刊发表 SCI 期刊论文100余篇。



Oceanic controlled seismic vibrators have the advantages of reducing environmental impact and improving the efficiency of marine seismic exploration. This paper summarizes the status of current research on marine controlled seismic vibrators and discusses the mechanism of energy generation by vibration units and the influence of electromagnetic force on the radiation of seismic vibrators. The challenges of low-frequency controlled seismic vibrators in the ocean are analyzed. For the problems in which the resonant frequency of marine controlled seismic vibrators is high and the displacement is small, a strategy of high- and low-frequency distributed vibration is proposed. The principle of electromagnetic acceleration is innovatively used in the low-frequency part, and the lowest frequency (2.5 Hz) can be reached through Ansys Maxwell finite element simulation software. Two controlled seismic vibrators are excited simultaneously to improve the overall work efficiency of the seismic vibrator. This approach realizes low-frequency vibration and takes into account the excitation of the high-frequency part, providing a new idea for the design of electromagnetic low-frequency controlled seismic vibrators.

Schematic diagram of vibrator pool testing

2. Imaging earth's structures is fundamental to the earth's interior, yet how to reconstruct earth’s heterogeneities using full-waveform inversion of full wavefield data that includes primary reflections and multiples remains enigmatic. I develop a nonlinear Bayesian approach for full-waveform inversion method with multiple scattering. Instead of using single scattering Born approximation to formulate the sensitivity kernels, I develop multiple scattering sensitivity kernels using multiple scattering-based Green's functions. It is based on the Lippmann-Schwinger integral and Marchenko methods, for which the Green's functions are retrieved from reflection data by solving a Marchenko equation. To estimate the uncertainty of velocities, I apply a Bayesian framework to the inverse problem. Our results indicate that the method does not depend on the earth's scattering potential and the full-waveform inversion method with multiple scattering is a good alternative approach to image the earth's structures.

The SEG/EAGE salt model: (a) original model, (b) smoothed model, (c) The MAP solution at 15Hz and (d) The posteriori standard deviation at 15Hz.

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